View Results

After an evaluation is completed, you can view its metrics. And Sextant supports the comparison of metrics among multiple evaluation records.

Only a completed evaluation supports viewing its evaluation result.

Compare Evaluation Results

Enter the evaluation details page where records the metric you want to view, and the metrics of each evaluation will be displayed in the evaluation list. The list supports being ranked by Metrics to see the metrics of each evaluation result.

View Data List‌

Find the corresponding evaluation record in the evaluation list, and click View to enter the data list. In the data list, you can view the metrics under each category of different files. Click the tag on the upper right corner to switch displaying metrics or data visualization.‌

View Evaluation Metrics‌

The current page will display the overall evaluation metrics for all the data in the current list, including mAP and the corresponding PR curve. When two datasets are used for an evaluation, the PR curve has only one point.‌

View Data Visualization

Data Visualization

Visualize the labels of the benchmark data and those of the data of evaluation objects to help you gain insight into the quality of evaluated data.

In data visualization, the labels of the benchmark data are shown with solid boxes and the labels of the data of the evaluation objects are shown with dashed boxes.

If the evaluation is invalid, the data visualization cannot be viewed.‌

Filter Data

On the data list page, you can filter the results by IoU and mAP of each category. The filtering results will be displayed after offline processing. You can view the data and metrics in the data list and data visualization. The time required for offline processing depends on the data volume that need to be filtered.

The newly created dataset will not contain the metrics of the current evaluation, except for the direct output of all data without adding any filters.

Last updated