Graviti Open API

Api Overview

Actions on Datasets

Actions on Data


Common Parameters

Some common parameters in the doc

This module mainly illustrates HTTP common request headers and common response headers.

Error code description

Error Code Return Type

  "code": "error_code",
  "message": "***"

The server may return any of the following type of errors when your request generates an error. For example, the 404 error code occurs when acquiring a dataset. 。

# Response status
HttpStatus 404
#  Response result
    "code": "ResourceNotExist", 
    "message": "dataset not exist!"

Error Code

Fuzzy Query

For API that supports fuzzy query, please follow these rules:

  1. Support MySQL wildcard query, such as %, _, and other wildcard characters.

  2. If there is no MySQL wildcard, the default is %{fuzzy query}% with fuzzy matching before and after.

  3. If the query field contains MySQL wildcard, automatic fuzzy matching is disabled.

  4. If you want the wildcard to be treated only as a normal string, you need to transcribe it, and degrade it to non-fuzzy matching. If you still need fuzzy matching, you need to construct the wildcard query manually.

For example: result: graviti_1, great_graviti_1, graviti%1

  1. name = graviti, return graviti_1, great_graviti_1, graviti%1

  2. name = graviti\_%, return graviti_1, great_graviti_1

  3. name = graviti\_, return none

  4. name = graviti%, return graviti_1,graviti%1

  5. name = graviti\%%, return graviti%1

  6. name = graviti\%, return none

  7. name = graviti\%1, return graviti%1

  8. name = %graviti, return none

Last updated