Explore Pharos

Visualize Open Datasets

Pharos is a convenient tool that enables you to visualize datasets online in our Open Datasets community. All you need to do is go to the General tab on the Dataset Details page, scroll down and find Data Preview to explore online data visualization. For more information, please see:

Preview Data and Label Distribution Online

Visualize Custom Datasets

To visualize your own dataset, Pharos offers the following two available ways:

  1. Upload your dataset to TensorBay. You can refer to the link below for more details. After uploading the data, sign in to your account, enter the Dataset Details page, click General, and start to visualize your own dataset.

How to Quickly Prepare a Dataset

2. Read local data via TensorBay SDK and use Pharos to visualize immediately. You can access all the functions of the data visualization tool and have a clear view of the data quality, with no need to sign in or upload. Please check the PythonSDK Help Doc for details.

This method is only available for the visualization of data and annotations. If you want to visualize the annotation distribution, you have to upload your data to TensorBay.

Last updated