Manage Dataset Information

  • In My Dataset or Team Dataset, select the dataset you want to edit and enter the dataset Details page. Click Enter Draft To Edit on the upper right corner to enter the Draft List page. After creating a new draft, you can manage your dataset information.

Edit Dataset Labels

  • Select Dataset Labels in the Dataset Information list. Select data types and its application scenarios. Add a custom label to make it easier for you to search for datasets.

Edit Dataset Descriptions

  • Select Dataset Description in the Dataset Information list, where you can describe the dataset in detail, so that others can understand the dataset better.

Edit Dataset Copyright Information

Select Dataset Copyright Requirements in the Dataset Information list:

  • Modify copyright owner information: Select a copyright owner in the drop-down box.

Multiple copyright owners can be added. The drop-down box shows the optional copyright owners. The selection of a copyright owner cannot be repetitive.

  • Edit and remove copyright owners: You can also edit and remove existing copyright owners.

For a team member, only admins have the permission to add and edit copyright owners, and members can only choose from the existing copyright owners.

  • Add copyright owners: You can click "+" on the right side of the drop-down box to add a new copyright owner. The name of the copyright owner is required, and the profile photo, link, and description are optional.

  • After editing the copyright information of the dataset, click Save at the bottom to save your modification.

Last updated